Demi Lovato attended the world premiere of Camp Rock 2 last night in a skin-tight, sparkling ensemble, carefully chosen to make Joe Jonas turn a colour that would clash with the red carpet. (You know, green.)
And it might have worked, had Demi not stepped out with what looked like a dish cloth attached to the side of her dress. Come straight from your catering job, did you Demi?

Without the bizarre attachment Demi's dress would have been just right for the occassion. Muted colours jazzed up with a bit of sequins and some simple but chic accessories are perfect red carpet attired. But we just can't take our eyes off that frou-frou frill hanging down Demi's left hand side.

Honestly, we're baffled. Is Demi suffering from some kind of monster cold? Surely her assistant could have brought a traditional handkerchief along for her? Because this tissue-like sheet of fabric doesn't make her outfit look any better from the side on either, though it would save Demi scrambling for her Kleenex throughout the movie.

But despite the fashion disaster, Demi looked happy and contented posing alongside the JoBros at the premiere. We guess she and Joe Jonas have resolved their differences then...
But what do you think of Demi's Camp Rock 2 premiere dress? Is it a trend or very, very tragic?
Comments please!