Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez complain about old ladies
Cyrus complains that an 80-year-old lady wrote her a message that she was jealous of her because she had so many young male fans. The 80-year-old also she was lonely without any guy in her life. Then she said Cyrus didn't deserve to be in a relationship with any young male because all the young males belong to old ladies. She also demanded that Cyrus bring her young boyfriend over to her retirement home to talk to her. "The nerve of those old, senile hags to pester me for a young, virgin guy!" said Cyrus.
Cyrus also said that she has received all kinds of offensive and odd things over the mail that came from jealous old ladies. She once received a stuffed toy cat that was missing its head and the 65-year-old lady that sent it complained Cyrus needed to hook her up with an 18-year-old man. Cyrus said she wrote her back and told her to get a face lift so she could lose her wrinkles and then some young guy might whistle at her but that's as far as she would ever get with a young, virgin guy.
Cyrus stated that young guys can't stomach old ladies because their flesh hangs and they're full of wrinkles. "It's just plain discussing to see an old lady's rotten body." said Cyrus.
Selena Gomez then added that she has had problems with wrinkled old ladies getting jealous of her youthful body and looks. "Those old ladies just wish they could be young again so they can make out with young men." said Gomez.
Gomez said she will keep her boyfriend away from old ladies or they might try to grope him while she's not looking.
Gomez said that she is always reading messages on her facebook left by lonely old women that want to date her boyfriend and her young male fans. "I can't hook up a handsome, young guy with an old lady that has hanging, rotting flesh!" said Gomez.
Gomez also complained of receiving odd things in her mail from jealous old ladies who wanted to date her male fans. One old lady send her a picture with the old lady dressed in a night gown showing her ugly body. In a letter she asked Gomez to give her picture to a young male fan because she needed a date. She lived in a trailer park and walked around on a walker. She said she was 78-years-old and she was lonely. She didn't have a husband and she needed someone in her life. Gomez wrote her back and told her to visit a lesbian bar to see if she could get pity from a sympathetic lesbian because young men don't like dating old ladies, they only date young women their age.
It's a well known fact that old ladies grave young men because they have new skin and their faces look fresh without wrinkles. They get jealous of young women that date young men and they constantly threaten young women by insulting them and trying to separate them from young males.
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