Saturday, August 14, 2010

Girls React To Miley Cyrus's Evolution

Girls React To Miley Cyrus's Evolution

posted by: Robin Marty 
Girls React To Miley Cyrus's Evolution

Miley Cyrus, the Disney darling of Hannah Montana fame, has been stunning her mostly young, mostly female fans over the past few years with her un-Disney girl behavior:  from a puzzling Vanity Fair shoot to lapdancing with a 40 year old man.

According to the New York Times, fans of Miley are started to get a little fed up with her behavior, and are beginning to move on.

Ms. Cyrus’s appeal among those age 13 to 17 has dropped, too, according to E-Poll Market Research, a brand and celebrity research firm. Of those surveyed online recently, only 24 percent said they liked or liked her a lot, compared with 45 percent in 2008. Those who track preteens are noticing the shift. Tina Wells, a market research executive who consults with Fortune 500 companies, said Ms. Cyrus ranked No. 7 in April on its list of celebrities considered cool by children 8 to 12 years old. Two years ago she was No. 1.

Recently, we asked the girls of New Moon, a magazine and website dedicated to and created by young girls to build self-esteem and health body image, to tell us what they thought about the evolution of Miley Cyrus.  And these girls had a lot to say.
Jen – 11 – New Jersey

1. What did you like most about the character of Hannah Montana?
I liked Hannah because Miley did a great job at making the plot lines seem realistic and portraying her character well.  When she did this right, the show was fun to watch.

2. In what ways did you feel she was "like you?"
Sometimes the shows would be about her doing something in her Hannah Montana persona, in which case I couldn't really relate.  However, I could relate to Miley and her boy troubles, friendship problems, and all that preteen/teen-ish stuff.  I figure the things that happened in the show were similar to whatever happened in her life, so it felt like real advice.  When I watched the show, she was also closer to my age because she was so much younger.

3. How do you feel about Miley acting more "grown up?"
I think some of the choices Miley has made have been not the greatest ones, and that is not something that made me have more respect for her.  I think Miley is shooting for a new audience, and some of Miley's new music and movies are ones I enjoy more than the old Hannah Montana things.  I outgrew Hannah, but I think "the new Miley" is more appropriate for older audiences.  However, because of her past, many much younger girls still look up to her and may even try to be like her, so I think Miley should be more responsible.

4. Do you feel like you have anything in common with her now?
I think that because Miley is still a teen, I can relate to her.  I am a preteen, though, and since she is so much older, it's hard to relate to her.

5. Is Miley someone you would to be like?
No, not really.

6. Why or why not?
Miley has made some bad choices, and that dimmed my respect for her.  She's had a Twitter dispute and posted those bad photos.  If I was ever going to be a role model for little kids, or under the watchful eye of parents for teens and preteens and little girls, I wouldn't want to be like that.

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