Sunday, August 22, 2010

A look at the relationship between Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez

A look at the relationship between Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez

A look at the relationship between Nick Jonas and Selena Gomez
 Amidst the glitz and glamour of teenage fame, buds the puppy love that fills the dreams of their fans. Since rumors began in 2008 about the relationship between Nick Jonas and Selma Gomez, the two have been fuel for teen tabloids and blogs alike. Female fans weigh in with anger, angst and jealousy over which teen queen is their favorite and deserves the attention of Nick Jonas. The male fans tend to have the “take all comers” attitude and advice to give, if Nick Jonas were to ask. Following the internet trail of this relationship though, it would seem that Nick Jonas is doing just fine on his own.
 Rumors began about Nick Jonas and Selma Gomez during the Rolling Stone cover story about the Jonas brothers, when the two (Jonas and Gomez) were photographed together backstage. Supposed Disney requested pulling the photo from the story, but Rolling Stone ran with it, breaking millions of teenage hearts.
 August 1, 2008, during an appearance on “The morning show with Mike and Juliet” Selena Gomez denied any relationship between her and Nick Jonas. Continuing to stick to her story during an august 14th, 2008 interview with Ryan Seacrest, while celebrity love sleuths were putting the pieces together as both Nick and Selena seemed to be telling two sides of the same story, about a first kiss. By August 17, 2008, posted a video that speculated that Gomez confirmed the relationship with Nick Jonas. - ntic-nick-jonas-selena-gomez-e -mails-text-messages-leaked/, yet still no public confirmation by either of the teens.
 A February 13, 2009 appearance on the David Letterman show, had a jubilant Nick Jonas stating that he was single on Valentines Day, which led many to speculate the couples break up. This may have been true, as many celebrities have attested maintaining a romantic relationship around a hetic work schedule can be nearly impossible. Alternatively, the statement could be a marketing ploy to sell more music to girls that would want to sooth a broken heart. By March of 2009, Selena Gomez was back to her “he’s a great guy…” answer when asked about Nick Jonas, period.
 By the beginning of 2010, reports of Nick Jonas and Selma Gomez sightings together began with much less speculation on the status of their relationship. Seen two days in a row together, a month later reported broken up again. It is the on again, off again type of relationship that both fuels the media and is fueled by the media. Nick Jonas and Selma Gomez may be the best of friends or they may truly be madly in love, yet in either instance, they will have to withstand the rollercoaster media, and the time challenges of stardom to be able to survive as a couple. With both the teens approaching their eighteenth birthdays, and independence they will likely define at least for themselves the true meaning of their relationship, and say good by to the puppy love images.
(All credit goes to original writerRay Langley)

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