Saturday, August 21, 2010

LAURA SAYS: Demi Lovato Should Have Followed Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart’s Example — Silence Is Golden!

August 20th, 2010

LAURA SAYS: Demi Lovato Should Have Followed Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart’s Example — Silence Is Golden!

If only Demi hadn’t broken the cardinal rule in celebrity relationships – never admit anything – she wouldn’t have suffered such an embarrassing public breakup from ex-BF Joe Jonas!

Although it may annoy you that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart refuse to acknowledge they’re  a couple despite being so obviously into each other, they’re actually playing their cards quite well. Just look at poor Demi Lovato, who broke up with pal Joe Jonas after just two months of dating and then had to suffer the consequences of blabbing about their relationship!
“I learned my lesson,” Demi, who turned 18 August 19, told People. “It’s not very much fun when you break up in a public relationship. So, maybe next time keep a secret.”
Although Joe, 21, reportedly had his dad dump his Camp Rock 2 co-star, she still defends him, saying, “I know that he has the best intentions. Definitely most guys don’t have the same intentions that he does.”
I don’t know how Demi can back up her ex. If I got dumped, I wouldn’t be so generous with my words – or actions. Does the term ‘dagger’ mean anything to you? At least she seems to have learned her lesson, which is this: no matter how happy you are, nothing is permanent and your words will only come back to haunt you – ESPECIALLY if you’re in the public eye!
Surprised as I am to find myself saying this, Robsten totally have it right. They travel together, they make out, they smile coyly whenever they’re asked about their relationship – but still they refuse to say anything. God forbid the happy Twilight couple ever DOES break up (don’t attack, Twi-hards!) at least there will be no hard evidence, no paper trail. All we’ll be left with? “Bella really loves Edward and they make babies.”
Keep quiet and the truth can’t hurt – publicly, that is.

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