Taylor Lautner Freaks Out Over Porta-Potty Incident
According to American tabloid the National Enquirer, the hunky Twilight star was passing the portable toilet on the on the Pittsburgh set of his new movie Abduction when he heard what sounded like muffled female shrieks, so he knocked on the door and yelled: “You okay?”
The door then flew open and two giggling young ladies grabbed Taylor’s arms and tried to drag him in.
Lautner screamed, and a security guard came running to the rescue.
The girls yelled, “We love you, Taylor!…We just want to talk to you!” as the young actor made his way back to his dressing room.
Lautner, 18, has previously admitted he was totally unprepared for fame and dealing with his legions of fans.
“I really don’t think there was anything that could’ve prepared me for this. There is no way of getting your head round this phenomenon,” he said.
“I think Robert Pattinson handled himself very well in all of this craziness but I don’t think there is any specific way to prepare yourself, you have just got to deal with it all as it comes.”
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