Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Taylor Lautner Is Scared Of Fans

Taylor Lautner Is Scared Of Fans

Movies | Sarah Peel | December 7, 2010 at 2:52 pm
Taylor Lautner
Twilight Saga heartthrob Taylor Lautner admits that he is terrified of his own fans. He recently explained why he is and in a way, he shows what the downside is to be a megastar. Here are his words regarding his fear of fans.
In Brazil hundreds of fans stormed the hotel Kristen Stewart and I were in. We hid in this little room for 45 minutes waiting for the SWAT team to arrive. We said to each other, ‘What if they get into this room? They’ll tear us to shred!
I was just in Australia at a fan event with a red carpet and there were 4000 fans and I was walking down the line. The fans like to hold out their hands or their arms for you to sign and one arm had a massive tattoo of the wolf pack. The real one, the same exact thing and it was pretty cool. She was like, ‘Can you sign it?’ I said sure and I signed right underneath it and the next day someone told me that the girl got my signature tattooed right under the wolf pack tattoo. I don’t know whether to say that’s cool or that I feel bad that I signed her arm. But that’s definitely some passion there.
Wow, I can sort of see why Taylor is scared of them! Sometimes you do hear of crazed fans and what they can do to their favorite celebrities. Do you think he is strange to be scared of his own fans or does he have a good enough reason to do such?

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