It wasn’t too long ago that Demi Lovato was riding high and seemed to be living a dream life. She had a successful acting and singing career, many loving fans and a reputation for being a nice, generous person. She was dating a Jonas brother and the world was her oyster. Now Demi Lovato is in rehab, battling online rumors, leaked racy photos and has the possibility of being mentored by the original Disney train wreck, Britney Spears.
Then on November 1, 2010 it all came crashing down. Demi Lovato left the Jonas Brothers World Tour and entered into a treatment center. At first it was thought she was suffering from exhaustion or some kind of medical issue. But things changed as allegations that she cut herself, had drug/alcohol problems and serious emotional issues started to surface.
Part of Demi Lovato’s image is that she is a devout Christian and is saving herself for marriage. So when risqué photos of her having other girls fondle her boobs while she wore a very low cut shirt leaked this last week some people were shocked. Now X17 (one of the largest paparazzi photography companies in the world) claims that a raunchy video featuring Lovato could leak any day. Disney, of course, denies its existence and says that anyone who would suggest such a tape exists while Demi Lovato is in rehab is simply disgusting. X17, however, says that Lovato, who was 18 at the time, videotaped herself getting it on with a young man over the summer. This happened on her tour bus while her uncle made sure nobody else got on the bus.
Disney reps are saying all of the Demi Lovato rumors are false. They claim that the person X17 says guarded the entrance to the bus is someone who never traveled with the tour and would never be a chaperone. Until we actually see a tape, or real evidence that a Demi Lovato tape exists, it is a case of one side saying it exists and another side saying it doesn’t. One thing I think we can say for sure is that a lot of these Disney stars turn out to not be as innocent as they appear to be so I would not be shocked to find out any of them had any kind of wild stuff going on behind closed doors while they sell an image of purity and innocence to their audience.
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