Saturday, December 18, 2010

Demi Lovato Racy Twitter Pics; Did Alex Welch Leak Them?

Demi Lovato Racy Twitter Pics; Did Alex Welch Leak Them?

Posted by Julie Ryan Evans
on December 18, 2010 at 10:37 Am
Demi LovatoPoor Demi Lovato can't dodge the negative news even while she's in rehab trying to get better. Instead she seems to be following the same playbook for ruining a young life and reputation that Miley Cyrus and so many other young stars follow. The latest chapter: Take racy photos of yourself -- bonus points for girl-on-girl action -- which are sure to get leaked on Twitter.
The photos taken prior to rehab and released this week show Lovato pulling down her shirt and baring some admittedly impressive cleavage while the other girls ogle them. In another she's licking a girl's face. Tamer than Miley's bare crotch, but provocative nonetheless for a Disney darling.
Interestingly enough, Alex Welch -- the girl Lovato allegedly sucker punched in the face because she thought Welch leaked stories about her -- is in these pics. So how exactly did these new pics get released? Hmmmm ...
Welch is suing Lovato to for the punch, and has taken to television recently to talk about the incident and play the innocent victim. Whether she is or not, going on television to talk about it just reeks of publicity whoredom.

Others have speculated the pics were perhaps leaked by someone close to Miley Cyrus in retalitation for Lovato's friend Anna Oliver supposedly leaking Miley's bong shot photos. Basically, who knows? And it doesn't matter much anyway, because they're already out there.
Rehab or not, Lovato's drama shows no signs of waning either. Rumor has it that a sex tape she made this summer with some guy and will be released soon. Since she didn't turn 18 until August, there's a big legal question there that could erupt if it does surface.
It's difficult to be shocked by new sex pics and tapes anymore, because it seems everyone in Hollywood does them these days (and then acts shocked when they get out there), but it doesn't make it any less of a desperate cry for attention and often a sign that help is needed as well.

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