Tuesday, November 30, 2010

World Cup, Miley Cyrus and BP Are Yahoo’s Top Searches of 2010 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Yahoo has released its annual “Year in Review” report, a dive into the top searches and search trends on the world’s second largest search engine.
The report, released every year by the Internet giant, determines what queries topped user interest based on search volume and search growth to figure out what was hot in 2010.
Last year, Michael Jackson and Twilight topped Yahoo’s search rankings, while Megan Fox was the queen of Yahoo mobile searches in 2009. This year though, Michael Jackson and Megan Fox didn’t even make their respective lists. Replacing them instead were searches for the BP oil spill and, on mobile, the NFL.
The top ten searches on Yahoo in 2010 include six celebrities (Miley Cyrus clocks in at #3), one gadget (the iPhone at #6), one TV show (American Idol at #9, one sporting event (the World Cup at #2) and one manmade disaster (the BP oil spill at #1).
Mobile searches shared five of the same top ten, but also included the NFL (#1), Rihanna (#3), Sanda Bullock (#4), the NBA (#5) and the Winter Olympics (#9).
There were a lot of other interesting tidbits of information that we gleamed from Yahoo’s massive array of top searches. For example, “how to tie a tie” tops the list of most searched questions on Yahoo (beating “how to kiss” at #3 and “what’s the world’s only immortal animal” at #5). Oh, and Yahoo users are searching for the lyrics to Justin Bieber’s “Baby” more than any other song in the world.
In fact, there’s so much search data in this year’s list that the company commissioned JESS3 to create a nice infographic to summarize the company’s findings. In case that doesn’t satisfy you though, we’ve also included the full list of top searches in an embedded document below. Let us know if any piece of Yahoo’s report surprises you in the comments below.

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