Friday, November 12, 2010

Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are sexiest men according to People

Once again a publication has chosen Robert Pattinson as one of the sexiest men in the world. It's really no surprise, we all know that Rob Pattinson is hot. What surprises me is that Taylor Lautner keeps making these lists.

Pattinson is a dream boat and there is no doubt she should be on every list that rates the sexiest men. He is everything that a woman could want, sexy, smart, charming and all around dreamy. But, Taylor Lautner is lacking in almost every department. He isn't really good looking at all. He surely isn't a man at only 18. The only thing he has going for him is his body.

Robert Pattinson blows Taylor Lautner away in every single category possible as do hundreds of other men in Hollywood. Lautner really has no business being on this list. I have to imagine that the only reason he is on the list is due to the popularity of the Twilight films. If he were just anyother actor I don't think he even comes close to being considered one of the sexiest men in the world.

As for Pattinson, he can ans should make every single list that is out there including the what I want for Christmas list!

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