Monday, October 11, 2010

Jonas bro to become Jonas dad?

Jonas bro to become Jonas dad?

Kevin Jonas and wife Danielle Deleasa. (<A HREF="" TARGET="newwindow">WENN.COM</a>)

Kevin Jonas and wife Danielle Deleasa. (WENN.COM)
The Jonas Brothers are about to be dads and uncles if a new U.S. tabloid baby report is to be believed.
Newlyweds Kevin Jonas and Danielle Deleasa were spotted shopping for a home pregnancy kit in West Hollywood last month, according to a new In Touch article.
The couple wed in December and friends tell the publication they would not be surprised if the Jonases are about to become parents: "They're mature for their age, and they want to start a family. They'd consider it a major blessing if Danielle was pregnant."
In 2008, the pop star, 22, famously told Details magazine that he would wait until marriage to have sex.

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