Sunday, July 22, 2012

Selena Gomez’s birthday: Dinner with Justin Bieber?

Selena Gomez’s birthday is tomorrow; she turns 20. The grandparents arrive from Texas, and she and Justin Bieber are both multiple-time nominees for Teen Choice awards, at the ceremony held tomorrow night. Busy day ahead! The singer-turned-actress will be with those she loves, reports Celebrity Café, and the whole weekend will be fun. But will Justin Bieber be invited to the family dinner?
Justin and Selena have just returned together, from his whirlwind concert tour covering parts of the far east. She tweeted feeling sick as she boarded the plane for the long flight home. Too much ice cream and hotel luxury, maybe.
Most people might like to rest a day or so after traveling, but Selena has no time to kick back on her birthday, or even to be sick. She has a family dinner to pull together, with the grandparents and her mom and stepdad. But will Justin be there? It matters, because in a serious relationship, the boyfriend would be at a family dinner, right? Otherwise, he would slip quietly away, and make his own plans for later.
Sunday night, for certain, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber will both attend the Teen Choice Awards. She is up for three, and he is nominated for more than one. Fans will want to see them walk that red carpet together, with grandparents clapping from the crowd.

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